Weekly Update: 25/7/2018

So this post is posted a long time since my first, this act technically outlines my basic habits of procrastinations and laziness. In my intro I was 14, hopeful of a great blog in which I could consistently write in and make online friends, in which non I have achieved. I decided today that I'll just check blogger for no apparent reasons other my current mood swing of sadness to realise I had completely forgotten about a blog I made months ago called average Ann. I wish I could have said that the reason to my inconsistency was due to constant school work and studying, extra curricular activities etc., but it isn't  the reason why, the reason was because, I kind of forgot, initially after my intro I was lazy, but shortly after that post I went overseas to India, where there was no good internet connection (valid reason), and after the vacation and I started year 10 I started becoming even more lazier and just forgot about this blog. Today I feel a sense of anxiety and worry and I just and I realised I just have a lot going on in my mind that seriously just need to let out instead of blocking it out my watching tv shows, movies and youtube videos, and I hope to do that and use this blog effectively,


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